When you’ve got some downtime out on the water or at home there's nothing better than spending a few hours with a great page-turner - especially one that features our favourite subject!
Check out boatbooks.co.nz - a specialist boat book shop. A recent visit to that site uncovered a few beauties - check out our top five picks from their large collection below:
Mention the word “shipwrecked” and chances are you may think of Tom Hanks and his movie Cast Away. But, no, that is not what this book is about. This book has been described as “a story of terrifying storms, inhospitable coastlines, human error, the malicious hand of fate, and courtroom dramas. It is also testimony to courage, endurance and self-sacrifice.” Surely that’s got you hooked? It’s the work of historian Gavin McLean who has documented the shipwrecks that litter the coasts and reefs of New Zealand - he has visited many over years of research. And there are many - in the last 200 years over 2500 vessels have been wrecked on our shores, sometimes with horrific loss of life. Many more have been salvaged only after an epic struggle. And yes, this book includes photos.
America’s Cup fever is still with us. How about reading all about it. Auckland-based, world-renowned sailing journalist and photographer Richard Gladwell is the creator of this pictorial souvenir record of Emirates Team NZ’s win in the most recent America’s Cup challenge. Conditions and results from Day 1 until the final, details of the races, and beautiful photographs can be found within the covers of this beauty.
This lovely coffee table book is a goer for all who love the sea, boats and ships… or even solely history. Talented photographer Jane Ussher has joined forces with Frances Walsh to survey the NZ Maritime Museum’s collection of taonga and present a pictorial exploration of the country’s maritime history. The wide range of objects featured include ship-building tools, Peter Blake’s first trophy, exquisite model ships, and menu cards from the glory days of ocean liners. A great introduction to the New Zealand Maritime.
This is, quite simply, the one-stop shop for marine information. It contains everything you need to know about VHF, marinas, clubs, key events, tides and fishing and also includes a marine services directory NZ-wide. Get your hands on this and you may well wonder how you lived without it!
There’s more pages of full colour photographs in this book than there are days of the year. By Raewyn Peart, it’s described as a beautiful tribute to a stunning part of New Zealand, incorporating the many islands of the Hauraki Gulf, the entire east coast of Auckland, both coasts of the Coromandel Peninsula and the Firth of Thames. The author interviewed numerous people whose lives have intersected with the gulf in various ways. The stories are woven into a narrative of discovery and settlement, transformation (both land and sea) and scientific research and restoration.
How’s that for a diverse mix of boating-themed page-turners? There’s plenty there to inspire, entertain and inform. Enjoy!